
How much is the Kindle costing Amazon?

Image representing Amazon EC2 as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBase

Jeff Bezos warned shareholders yesterday that the Kindle e-book reader was not a “big cash flow generator for us”.

In the meeting here in Seattle, the instead characterised his digital books business as being in “investment mode”.

The Seattle Times reports Bezos as saying, “If something is successful, it seems to take five to seven years or more before it’s a positive contributor” to the company’s profits. The Kindle, which launched in November 2007, is less than two years old.

Kindle costs over $200 to make?

Bezos also commented on a recent statement by market intelligence company iSuppli, which estimated that the Kindle 2 e-book reader cost around $185 (£114) to make. He said the retailer’s manufacturing costs are actually “significantly higher”.

The Wall Street Journal also speculates that is losing money on some book sales, with retailers typically paying about half the eventual retail price of $25-30 for a new release book. sells most Kindle bestsellers for $9.99 9 (£6.16).

Jeff Bezos told shareholders that where carries both the physical book and the e-book version, Kindle sales account for over a quarter of total sales of a title.

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